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Premium services for our valuable customers

Premium Support Business
Rp. 750000.00
Improve your business without worries about your website.
- 1 Domain
- WordPress/Webflow/PHP/JS/React
- Email/Ticket Support
- Phone Support
- WhatsApp Support
- Malware removal
- Modules & plugins updates
- Basic Backup Service
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Premium Support Enterprise
Rp. 2250000.00
Stay focused on your business while We manage your website.
- 2 Domains
- WordPress/Webflow/PHP/JS/React
- Email/Ticket Support
- Phone & WhatsApp Support
- Malware removal
- Modules & plugins updates
- 1 Hour IT Training Support
- Premium Backup Service
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Premium Support Starter
Rp. 485000.00
Start off right with a clean and well maintained WordPress website.
- 1 Domain
- WordPress Website
- Email/Ticket Support
- Malware Removal
- Modules & plugins updates
- Discount on troubleshooting
- Basic Backup Service
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Content Support (Hour)
Rp. 450000.00
One Time
- SEO Friendly Copywriting (EN/ID/NL)
- Data Processing & Entry
- Banner Design Creation
- Email Template Creation
- Image Optimization
- Email & Chat Support
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Tech Support (Hour)
Rp. 675000.00
One Time
- Issue Analysis & Tracking
- Resolve & Troubleshooting
- Database Optimisation
- Malware Scan & Removals
- Modules Install & Configuration
- Email & Chat Support
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IT Training Support (Hour)
Rp. 975000.00
One Time
- IT Structure Knowledge
- Application Operation Course
- Course to the Configuration
- Modules Training
- Professional & Fair Advice
- Video Call & Phone Support
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